
Mothers Day 2023

It is a Saturday morning, a day before the big day…. Mothers Day 2023. As a single mother who has raised two children this was always a special day. This was a day of creativity. The day that I would get the little notes made in school expressing their love for me. The homemade bouquet of flowers brought from outside and placed in the glass full of water. The breakfast of cereal, juice, and milk brought into my bedroom in the morning. The silliness sometimes or the seriousness of the day — it was a day of celebration that I cherish.

Spending a day doing what “mom” wanted to do which was to laugh, love and be near my children. Working two jobs usually posed time restrictions on fun. The attitudes and smiles of my children on this day was different. It was a day of gratitude and thanks for being their mom. I would suggest a movie or a day in the kitchen baking along with a lot of hugs.

As I grew older and they became adults and moved on, this day is now a day of reflection. A day that I get to smile and know I did well. I was able to lead my children to know their self worth, have a positive self esteem, serve others with love and compassion. I receive phone calls and notes that share the excitement of them being a parent now and that is priceless. My son is a parent to two beautiful children and a loving husband to a beautiful daughter-in-law.


My 22 year old daughter just completed her Bachelors degree and is setting up a home for herself. I received a text yesterday from her informing me that she and her boyfriend are adding a new member to our family here soon. So of course, I made that phone call to her…anticipating what she was about to tell me. They are adopting a Blue Beagle puppy that is a girl. I heard the excitement and the concern of what to expect as she will raise her first puppy. She shared her anticipation of the years to come to include the training, the hours that will be spent just staring into the eyes, the kisses and snuggles of her new puppy named Lucy this Mothers Day 2023.

Lucy will be a welcomed member of our family with her big eyes.

The little things that matter

I have a wall that I walk by each day letting the world know that being a MOM is my purpose. Over the 37 years of raising two children….not one day would I change a thing. Mothers Day 2023 is about how each one of them made me who I am today. God allowing us to raise His child and letting them go. It is about being able to reflect and smile and be proud. It is about the little things they do for you….the field bouquet flowers that now the grandkids bring or the snuggles of the puppies as they come to visit.

Gift ideas

There are all kinds of way you can show your appreciation to your mom or that special person in your life. I personally love to get the home made cards, the home made cupcakes, the flower planted in a special cup, or a good book and blanket to snuggle with when I am alone knowing my children are well and growing. Here are a few more ideas from Women’s Health of gift ideas perhaps for your mom.

Happy Mothers Day 2023 and thank you for reading.

About Stacey Handy Never Eat Alone a great read by Keith Ferrazzi is just one of the books I enjoy that has helped me build a lifelong community of colleagues, friends, and mentors. I grew up in Fargo, North Dakota and then served part time as a Nurse in the US Military for 24 years. I raised two wonderful children as a single mother in which I shared the love of God, travel, real estate, finances, and friendships. Rich Dad Poor Dad was a tool in which Robert Kiyosaki provided me with the knowledge of how to become financially independent as I served others. He brought real estate into my world in which I have been able to purchase, rehab, and provide to others a safe haven to call home. The Bible is my living tool which I realize is the foundation on my and my families lifeline. Relationships are so meaningful to me especially as I get to know my clients who place their trust with me as they search for the largest investment that they may ever make. Providing my expertise and concern for them provides an educated process and matches them to a home they love.